Have you thought about trying or have you tried a low carb or other new diet? What about energy, hunger and cravings? Are those concerns of yours? Emotional eating, by chance?
I've been on my own version of a ketogenic diet for eleven years now. And what matters to me the most about those eleven years is the energy I've gained. Energy I've used in my work. My field is early childhood and family education so my work really matters to a lot of people. I need a tons of it for what I do each day.
If you believe that a ketogenic or low carb diet may give you more energy, you're at the right place. I host a website full of FREE information about energy and also about parenting and early childhood issues HERE. If you're also a tired mom or other caregiver
you're in luck because there's twice as much info for you HERE.
If you're wondering how food affects you personally, you can download and print my free journal here. No email address required.
If you're a busy, busy caregiver like me, this program was designed for you. It wasn't until I was a 38 year old exhausted, severely overweight, Mom of an active two-year-old boy that I started to turn my energy and weight around. If I did it, you can too. That's why I'm so happy to share all of this with you. Our Carb Out With Joy! 7 day quickstart tutorial is available here and is free for the time being.
n.joy yourSELF complete program is coming soon!


To learn how you can beat your energy problem like I did, go to my website and read some stuff HERE.
I've written my first book about gaining energy and losing weight. You can find it on Amazon HERE.